IFP Info Session Sign Up Form

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Our Humanities International Foundation Programme provides access to a wide range of single honours degrees including: Architecture, English Language & Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Media Studies, Film and History as well as History and Philosophy of Art.

What will I learn? The modules you choose will help prepare you for your chosen undergraduate programme. For more information on the modules available on the IFP, please click on the relevant tabs.

How will I learn? You will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars which is the same style of teaching you can expect on an undergraduate programme in the UK.

How will I be assessed? Across your modules, you will be assessed through a variety of methods including assignments, presentations, seminar participation and examinations.

Our Social Sciences International Foundation Programme provides access to a wide range of single honours degrees including: Business, Economics, Law, Politics and International Relations, Classical & Archaeological Studies and Psychology.

What will I learn? The modules you choose will help prepare you for your chosen undergraduate programme. For more information on the modules available on the IFP, please click on the relevant tabs.

How will I learn? You will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars which is the same style of teaching you can expect on an undergraduate programme in the UK.

How will I be assessed? Across your modules, you will be assessed through a variety of methods including assignments, presentations, seminar participation and examinations.

Our Computer Science International Foundation Programme provides access to a variety of single honours degrees within the School of Computing

Autumn entry:
BSc Computer Science
BSc Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
BSc Computer Science (Networks)
BSc Computing and BSc Computing with a Year in Industry
BSc Business Information Technology and BSc Business Information Technology with a Year in Industry
BSc Computer Science for Health and BSc Computer Science for Health with a Year in Industry

Spring entry provides access to the following degree programmes only:
BSc Computing and BSc Computing with a Year in Industry
BSc Business Information Technology and BSc Business Information Technology with a Year in Industry
BSc Computer Science for Health and BSc Computer Science for Health with a Year in Industry

What will I learn? The modules you choose will help prepare you for your chosen undergraduate programme. For more information on the modules available on the IFP, please click on the relevant tabs.

How will I learn? You will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars which is the same style of teaching you can expect on an undergraduate programme in the UK.

How will I be assessed? Across your modules, you will be assessed through a variety of methods including assignments, presentations, seminar participation and examinations.

Our Biosciences IFP is for students looking to progress to a range of degree programmes within either the School of Biosciences or the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences including: Biomedical Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Sport & Exercise Science, Sport Management and Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation.

What will I learn? The modules you choose will help prepare you for your chosen undergraduate programme. For more information on the modules available on the IFP, please click on the relevant tabs.

How will I learn? You will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars which is the same style of teaching you can expect on an undergraduate programme in the UK.

How will I be assessed? Across your modules, you will be assessed through a variety of methods including assignments, presentations, seminar participation and examinations.